Thursday, October 30, 2008

4 X 4

I got tagged by Christa for this 4th pic of 4th folder thingy, so here goes....

This is Brinley's 1st cloth pic, where I just tried it on her to see the fit....she did not keep it on long, as prefolds & B do not mix well, & we have since moved to better, more "stay-dry" (as in wicks away moisture better therefore making baby more comfy) things (YAY for Bagshot Row bamboo fitteds YAY for bumGenius YAY for Happy Heineys!!) Just as a bonus, I will also add an updated pic of her in a BSRB (although you can't see it LOL) & a Thirsties cover =)

I don't tag anyone 'cause I have no one to tag ;) Unless someone randomly comes across my blog & feels like doing it =)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pics of Babygirl

Here's my lovely sweet babygirl =)

Just after getting her pics made at the hossy

Sucking her fingers

Brinley says howdy!

You want a piece of me?!?!?

Mommy and Babygirl

More to come as they make it from camera to computer....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Brinley is here!!

Brinley was born Tuesday, Sept 30th, at 1154pm....she was 7lbs 10oz & 20.5 inches long....has dark hair & (so far) blue eyes....the boys absolutely adore her & so do we ;) I labored for 3-3.5 hours total from beginning contraction to birth (!!!!!!!), which was a blessing & a curse all in one, but I am just very happy she is here! She is a beautiful little princess (of course I am biased ;) ), and I'll post some pics once things are not so hectic around the house. Like her onesie says.....Brinley was definitely "worth the wait"!