Brinley has been smiling for me for a bit now, but every time I'd pick up my camera she'd look at it like "what you talkin' 'bout Willis"....I STILL have not gotten her full out "big grin" captured, and these were taken w/my cell phone so they're not great quality, but they'll have to do for now....

and here is one, just because she's cute ;)
It's hard to believe she's already coming up on 10 weeks old! OH, and on a side note, she finally got to meet her future boyfriend today =) She got to sit beside Mr. Cayden during Relief Society & he was already making googoo eyes at her & she at him LOL We'll have to see if she does the same when we visit Mr. Gregory in a few weeks....there might be a lil competition going on, who knows! Hee hee!
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