Thursday, April 30, 2009

Getting Discouraged

I know I cannot expect to lose alot of weight at a fast pace (although I *did* back in '90 LOL), but to lose nothing so far is upsetting.....I know eating habits come into play too, but the thing is I have been eating better.....and I am alot more I dunno what's going on.....all I know is it's making me sad to step on the scale & see no change =(

Monday I did 15 minutes of walking, Tuesday I did 15 minutes vacuuming/15 elliptical/30 walking, and Wednesday I did 15 minutes walking/22 elliptical @ res2, 1012steps, pace 30-40, 165 calories burned

For me to do something I dislike so much & not see any results is very discouraging =( I started all excited & now I feel like doodoo. I am going to incorporate the meal plan too, see if that helps, but I hate hate hate diets so we'll see......ugh


Christa said...

I know that feeling...people had said I was looking good and could tell but the scale sai dI had gained a pound. But I don't know, it's hard to stick to it when you feel like nothing is changing. BUT DON'T GIVE UP! I know you can do it!

April said...

Don't pay attention to the scale, watch how your clothes are fitting instead! As you shed fat from your cells by exercising then you will likely increase your muscle mass too.

I'm not a fan of diets either, but instead I like making a change I will stick with, not just a phase to lose weight. Also, when you start to encourage your body to change, it's a bit of a shock, and it will say "Oh no, what's going on, I better build a storage." Until your body figures out that you're not depriving it, you're not shocking it, it will adjust to increased activity and decreased calories- and will gradually begin to function in a healthy way to process thriving again. DON'T get discouraged, you'll see results!