Thursday, October 30, 2008

4 X 4

I got tagged by Christa for this 4th pic of 4th folder thingy, so here goes....

This is Brinley's 1st cloth pic, where I just tried it on her to see the fit....she did not keep it on long, as prefolds & B do not mix well, & we have since moved to better, more "stay-dry" (as in wicks away moisture better therefore making baby more comfy) things (YAY for Bagshot Row bamboo fitteds YAY for bumGenius YAY for Happy Heineys!!) Just as a bonus, I will also add an updated pic of her in a BSRB (although you can't see it LOL) & a Thirsties cover =)

I don't tag anyone 'cause I have no one to tag ;) Unless someone randomly comes across my blog & feels like doing it =)


April said...

I'm loving the bumgenius and happy heiney's too!