Monday, July 7, 2008

So Fast! Too Fast?

So, just when I thought this pregnancy couldn't go any slower, I woke up this morning & thought "OH MY GOD I AM IN THE THIRD TRIMESTER!!!" At first it was like YAY, but then it dawned on me "OH (blank) ONLY 13 WEEKS LEFT!!!" and I got really scared.....I know I am going to love getting to meet my little girl, and know my family is beside themselves with anticipation as well.....I am just so nervous knowing I have only 90-some odd days till she's here & I'll have to go back into "newborn" mode again.....with the sleepless nights & crazy tired days and deal with some things for the 1st time (like having a GIRL instead of boys, cloth diapering, having 2 kids in school this year, etc etc etc).....and I just feel so overwhelmed with all that still needs to be done around here and things that need to be gotten and knowing I am heading towards being even more uncomfortable than I already am and BIGGER *ugh*.....not to mention the whole labor thing altogether and wanting to go on my own & not be induced like the others......I know I know, praying would surely help out I's just some people not too long ago mentioned the time where panic just sets in for a pregnant woman, and I think that time has officially hit for me!! God help me PLEASE.....I could use some solace right about now {8'O