Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I Think I'm Gonna Cry

Not only do we have the all-too-soon upcoming birth of Baby B, we have 2 more significant & amazing changes to our lives coming soon.....first comes next week.....the 1st day of MIDDLE school for Garrett.....we're all super excited about that, but I am very nervous as it's all VERY different from what we're used to with Elementary school 8-} THEN.....Gabe is starting PRE-K this's so hard to believe he is already old enough for school! :- I cried when Garrett started with him going to middle school, AND Gabe going to pre-k, AND the impending birth of Baby B.....I am positive there's going to be some waterworks!! Where has all the time gone & where are my wee ones?? I am sure once we get into the swing of things, it'll be great, I just can't believe they have gotten this age this quick! I am completely thrilled for them, just feeling a little overwhelmed with it all at the moment. It WILL be nice to have some time all to myself for a short bit before Baby B is born, but it'll also be kind of like a "what do I do with myself" emptiness, too.....a blessing & a curse all at once I guess ;) Maybe my nesting instincts will kick in & I can finally get this house in order.....yeah, highly doubtful, but a girl can dream *LOL*