Friday, August 29, 2008

Spoke Too Soon *Sigh*

Well, the "what do I do with myself" question was answered a couple of days ago.....turns out I have to have 2 NST's a week for the remainder of my pregnancy, due to the GD =( Sooooo, I started that this week *yay* (insert sarcasm and an eyeroll here) On a good note though, I am getting another U/S on the 10th, which I am very much looking forward to! Let's hope this princess has remained a princess & we have no penile surprises ;) And.....on a funny note, there is a lady in my ward who is due in couple of weeks, who uses the same doctor's office I do, and for the past 4 out of 5 appointments we have run into each other in the office *LOL* We have a laugh every time b/c it's not that we're setting our appointments for the same time on purpose, we've actually had no clue of one another's schedules, yet we keep running into each other! I think I am going to miss the excitement of "will I or won't I see her this time" once she gives birth, haha! Anyhoo, time for me to step away for my lovely scheduled din-din (another fine joy of having GD *boo*) TTFN!